Auralis System Stats
Statistics (stats) can be considered measurements of a character as abstractions to the way a character interacts with the rest of the game setting. The Game Masters (GMs) use these statistics for non-player characters (NPCs) and these same stats are used to gauge what techniques are available to characters.
Stats can be separated into two basic categories: attributes and skills.
Attributes can be considered to be a character's inherent traits. These remain static for the character's lifespan. The only way that attributes can be changed is due to certain perks and items. The attributes noted on a character sheet can be considered to be a baseline.
Skills are more numerous and can be split into several major categories. All of these skills are ways that characters can interact with other characters and their environment. In this case, a character's EXP affects the amount of points that can be invested in an individual skill. Like attributes, skills can be affected by perks and items.
While there is an upper limit for both attributes and skills, points do not necessarily have to all be used. The GMs encourage players to distribute as many points to a character as the player feels necessary for immersion purposes. To better assist players, an example stat sheet is included below as well as definitions of what each stat entails.
Please note that if a player is found to have a character whose stats exceed their limits, they will be nerfed with extreme prejudice by the GMs once the discrepancy is found.
Example Stat Sheet
Below is a sample stat sheet that is used for player characters. For demo purposes, experience points (EXP) are adjustable. The amount of EXP affects how many skill points a player can give to their character.
Important note to new players
For a relatively balanced experience, the GMs recommend that players invest at least one (1) point into all attributes and at least one (1) point in all Endurance skills.
Skill Points
Combat Stats
Primary Stats
Attribute Points Left: 40
Skill Point Distribution: 0/100
Primary Stats
Primary stats are the building blocks of secondary stats and affect use of items and techniques. Some items cannot be used to their fullest potential unless a skill threshold is met. Likewise, some techniques are unusable until a set of skills are at a certain level.
Attributes are inherent traits of a character. As a baseline, these are the raw modifiers for how a character interacts with their environment.
- Strength (STR) is raw physical strength and ability.
- Dexterity (DEX) is competence at handling items and speed.
- Intelligence (INT) is memory and raw mental ability.
- Willpower (WIL) is the ability to enforce one's will on the plane of reality.
- Charisma (CHA) is how one comes across to others.
- Luck (LUC) is divine favor that can affect various situations.
Skills are stats that a character can learn during their lifetime. They are primarily used for scaling the effective utilization of items and techniques.
- Martial Prowess affects close combat abilities and general ability to cause injuries with nearby objects.
- Edged Weapons affects proficiency with edged melee weapons (i.e. swords, knives, and other pointy objects).
- Blunt Weapons affects proficiency with blunt melee weapons (i.e. clubs, hammers, and other heavy objects).
- Unarmed Combat affects proficiency in close combat without weapons (i.e. fists, kicks, and other appendages).
- Aiming affects the ability to gauge the effectiveness of using items and techniques at a range.
- Firearms affects proficiency in firearms (i.e. hand guns, machine guns, and other weapons that consume bullets).
- Explosives affects proficiency with explosive devices (i.e. bombs, artillery, and other things that go boom).
- Projectiles affects proficiency in handling other ranged weapons (i.e. bows, crossbows, slings, and other far-ranging things).
- Magic Knowledge affects knowledge of magic beyond one's inherent abilities as well as general mana manipulation.
- Fire Magic is the magical manipulation of the element of fire.
- Water Magic is the magical manipulation of the elements of water and ice.
- Energy Magic is the magical manipulation of the element of electricity.
- Wind Magic is the magical manipulation of the element of wind.
- Soul Magic is the magical manipulation of souls which can affect both the earth as well as life and death.
- Ritual affects one's ability to dealing with entities and the unseen.
- Eldritch involves the conjuration of eldritch entities whose domain is in the cosmos.
- Faith involves the conjuration of entities from the Abrahamic pantheon.
- Occult involves the conjuration of entities from other Earth pantheons.
- Robotics involves the understanding and utilization of robots for various uses.
- Hacking is proficiency in using computers to achieve technological ends.
- Logic is the ability to rationally think things through.
- Engineering is the ability to create machines and technological processes.
- Perception affects the ability to analyze one's environment.
- Crafting affects the ability to create items from raw materials and ingredients.
- Foraging affects the ability to safely identify and gather raw materials.
- Science affects the comprehension and application of scientific disciplines (i.e. biology, chemistry, and physics).
- Communication affects proficiency in verbal and nonverbal communication.
- Persuasion affects proficiency in influencing another party's decisions.
- Subterfuge affects proficiency in deceiving another party.
- Intimidation affects proficiency in using perceived force against another party.
- Composure affects one's ability to withstand chaos and pain.
- Physical Endurance is general physical durability.
- Mental Endurance is the ability to retain focus.
- Regeneration is the ability of the body to recover from damage and withstand changes done to it.
- Stealth affects proficiency in eluding notice.
- Sneak affects proficiency in sneaking around an environment.
- Lockpick affects utilization of lockpicks and other means to break in or out of places.
- Camouflage affects the ability to become one with their environment, especially in natural surroundings.
Secondary Stats
Building off of primary stats are secondary stats that affect situations and checks outside of utilization of items and techniques.
Combat Stats
Combat stats are primarily used in combat and can be used to guage how well a battle will go. In particular, HP, MP, and SP can affect usage of items and techniques.
- Health (HP) is affected by Strength, Physical Endurance, and Martial Prowess.
- Mana (MP) is affected by Intelligence, Mental Endurance, and Magic Knowledge.
- Stamina (SP) is affected by Willpower, Physical Endurance, and Regeneration.
- Critical (CR) is affected by Dexterity, Luck, Perception, and Aiming.
- Evasion (EV) is affected by Dexterity, Willpower, Perception, and Stealth.
- Defense (DF) is affected by Strength, Willpower, Mental Endurance, and Composure.